Saturday, March 15, 2008

Westport and Daylight Savings Time

It's been way too long since I've posted here, so here's a quick write-up about my trip last week.

Jeff and I left from my house around 7:00 last Saturday and spent the night at Twin Harbors state park in Jeff's van. We got to Westport around 9:00 and shared some good wine and a campfire on the beach. After a late night BS session, we finally got to sleep. Sunday morning started extra early because in addition to setting my blackberry's clock forward an hour, the damned thing went ahead and adjusted itself as well. So at 6 am we're scouting the groynes and the jetty in the dark. After a little breakfast and some coffee the sun finally came up and we decided on the jetty.

I've been a little psyched out in bigger waves lately (probably because I haven't been out that much) so it was big and scary for me -- overhead and half, 11 second interval and a nice off-shore wind. However, it was a surprisingly easy out and we were the only guys in the water for the first 1 1/2 hours. It was a clamming weekend, so there were lots of people on the beach. It was spooky out past the break and I got the ride of my life dropping into what was probably my biggest wave to date. I had a nice ride down the line and as the wave started to wall up, ready for the closeout, I tried to get up and over the back of the wave. I got up to the top and got sucked over the falls -- a good 8 ft free fall hanging upside down from my kayak. I was maytagged for a while, but finally got let go...then caught again, and finally let go for good. Interestingly enough that seemed to be the cure for my timidness. I caught a couple more screamers and saw Jeff drop into a few as well. In these bigger waves, it's clear to me that I'm ready for a new boat. The plastic tub doesn't give me enough speed to make it to the next section and I'm also suffering from a lack fin. On a big steep wave, the boat just slides sideways down the wave.

We were out of the water by 9:30 so I could get back to Bremerton in time for a social commitment...which was cancelled via cell phone while we were on the way back. Too bad, the groynes were looking clean and chest high and I would have loved another session. I'm glad I didn't read this post until I got home from surfing. My morning session might not have been as enjoyable had I read it beforehand.